JooYoung Choi: Big Time Dreaming in the Age of Uncertainty


JooYoung Choi: Big Time Dreaming in the Age of Uncertainty includes a mixed media, site-specific installation inspired by Choi’s ongoing investigation of her Cosmic Womb mythology. Born in Seoul, South Korea, Choi was adopted at the age of one and grew up in Concord, New Hampshire with American parents. In 2007, she was reunited with her birth family. As an adopted child and one of the only Asians living in her New Hampshire community, she grew up feeling different and lonely – her imagination became her creative salvation. Choi is a “world building artist” who lives and works in Houston. She uses puppets, props, home videos, toys and drawings inspired from her childhood to explore her on-going and fictional world, the Cosmic Womb. Choi’s installation resembles a dream-like, make-believe world; viewers enter the Cosmic Womb, which includes soft sculptures and video stations, as well as puppets and mixed media paintings.