My Battle:
A GoFundMe.September 2024
After years of avoiding health concerns—often negotiating with myself over the costs of medical care—I finally made my way to the emergency room at Matagorda General.
Three weeks ago, I fainted and fell, breaking a piece of furniture. I had been on my way to get water and use the restroom when I suddenly found myself on the floor, being awoken by my mother. Disoriented, I struggled to get up but couldn’t. With my mother’s help, I made it to the restroom, where I sat, trying to collect myself as my body began to sweat profusely. Despite my mother offering to take me to the emergency room, I declined.
Fainting spells and chest pains have plagued me since high school. Despite multiple ER visits, no cause was ever found. Doctors often referred me to specialists, but I avoided follow-up care due to the high costs and lack of insurance. The uncertainty of new findings made me reluctant to seek further medical attention, even though my symptoms persisted.
During my recent ER visit, I was finally admitted as an inpatient. Tests that hadn’t been done when I was younger were performed: blood and urine tests, heart and neck ultrasounds, regular blood pressure checks, and a stress test on my heart. It was determined that I am at risk of heart failure. As a result, I had an implanted loop recorder—a device that monitors my heart’s rhythm—placed under my skin, and I was prescribed medications to strengthen my heart.
As many of us know, especially in the U.S., healthcare, medical procedures, and prescriptions are costly, particularly for the uninsured. As an uninsured American, I need assistance with the costs of my hospital visits and prescription medicines. The total cost of my hospital visit is $21,257.97, with monthly medication costs ranging from $11 to $700.
I never imagined the total cost would be so high, nearly matching my college debt. Nonetheless, I am hopeful that I might receive assistance to help alleviate this healthcare debt. Any contribution would bring me closer to resolving this financial burden.
If you’re able to help, please consider donating through my GoFundMe: Ronald's Battle Against Heart Failure and Medical Debt.
Thank you for your time and consideration as I work to strengthen my heart and address this long-standing health concern.