Park Project (For Public Consumption):

Reflecting on the ways in which art acts as a therapeutic medium and source of outwardly expression of internal dialogues.
June 2019

    Art means the world to me. My creative practice serves as a voice for how I interpret my surroundings. It offers moments of pause that allow me to center myself, avoiding anxiety and depression.

    Yarn sculptures are my most favorite thing. They give me several hours of freedom of thought. Not having access to space to work out my inner conflicts I search for neglected spaces that I most likely won't be kicked out of.

    This is where this park comes in. I adopted it. I needed a space to create and meditate. I didn't want to put something there without addressing the waste and disrepair. So I decided I would not only produce an artwork, I would also clean the park.

    Lots of friends have come by and new ones have been made in the process. I really appreciate the support. It means the world to me.

    Also, I didn't ask permission to do this and I understand that it could be gone tomorrow. I'm okay with that because I simply saw an opportunity and acted on it. It feels good to just do something some times.


I wish I'd have taken before images, but honestly I'm doing this primarily for me so I didn't even consider documenting it.

So far we've picked up the majority of the waste, shoveled and swept the side walk. Now it's time to rake.

It's pretty awesome having friends come by and help me with this vision. Everyone needs someone to believe in their aspirations. I'm really grateful that I have so many people willing to volunteer their time.