Sayers Gallery:

Reflecting on the origins and inspiration behind Sayers Gallery.
April 2019

    I just wanted to post about this project because it meant a lot to me. Sayers Gallery was an extremely optimistic endeavor that I took on almost two years ago after being inspired by Jess Bowman and Cris Skelton with their project FLATS Presents.

    They helped me to realize I could do more than being a body in a space for my friends, peers and creative community. They helped to activate the idea that I could also be an advocate for their success by offering something in the way of assistance in their pursuit of professional growth.

    And although it was short-lived and not all aspects ran as smooth as I'd have liked, I still feel like it was a successful experiment. I wanted to prove to myself that a community can support itself if it made an earnest effort.

    Just wanted to say that and thank everyone that contributed, showed up, shared the events and supported that project. It means a lot to me.