
Reflecting on a work trip.
January 2023

    I have had the opportunity to work with Core Dance for the past few years, executing documentation for some of the companies performances in Houston and parts of the state of Georgia. Last year, when working with the dance company on their 2022 National Water Dance performance in Brunswick, Georgia I felt as though I had the opportunity to actually connect with the performers on a personal level.

    The dancers, who had arrived earlier than I, were engrossed in a short residency within the community, teaching school children about dance, poetry and introducing them to ways in which to express yourself through art. I was picked up at the airport by Ptar, the assistant to the director for the undertaking. The drive from the airport to the rental property was quite long, but his music selection and our conversation helped to pass the time while also providing insight to their most current experiences surrounding the performance and preparation therein.

    When I arrived, after selecting a room for myself, I joined the three dancers Indya, Humlao and Erik in the living room. There I was able engage in the conversations they were currently having, while also taking part in a retrospective recap of those which took place before my arrival. It felt, as I said to them at the time, "as if I was supposed to be present."

    The following days included preparation and site visits. It was during these that I was introduced to Driftwood Beach, Jekyll Island and Igbo Landing.

    In the past few months I have found myself at odds with continuing to do photographic and video documentation. At times, I would find myself reflecting only upon the negative aspects of certain undertakings, including my own shortfalls. There were times when receiving feedback from my therapist and friends about the contractual agreements, deadlines and my willingness to be flexible to a point of breaking would trigger a sense of overall failure. However, there would also be instances where, after completion, I would feel very proud of myself and the full scope of the journey to that point.

    Life is like that though: rough and tumble with patches of enlightenment and understanding for those with receptors.